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class Ship: def init(self, name, year_built, country): self.name = name self.year_built = year_built self.country = country
def display_info(self):
print(f"Ship: {self.name}, Year built: {self.year_built}, Country: {self.country}")
class Frigate(Ship): def init(self, name, year_built, country, num_missiles): super().init(name, year_built, country) self.num_missiles = num_missiles
def display_info(self):
print(f"Number of missiles: {self.num_missiles}")
class Destroyer(Ship): def init(self, name, year_built, country, num_cannons): super().init(name, year_built, country) self.num_cannons = num_cannons
def display_info(self):
print(f"Number of cannons: {self.num_cannons}")
class Cruiser(Ship): def init(self, name, year_built, country, num_torpedoes): super().init(name, year_built, country) self.num_torpedoes = num_torpedoes
def display_info(self):
print(f"Number of torpedoes: {self.num_torpedoes}")
frigate = Frigate("Frigate1", 2000, "USA", 50) destroyer = Destroyer("Destroyer1", 1995, "Russia", 30) cruiser = Cruiser("Cruiser1", 2010, "China", 20)
frigate.display_info() destroyer.display_info() cruiser.display_info()
Напишите нам, если в вопросе есть ваши персональные данные (yasnoponyatno24@yandex.ru)
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